About / Jim Daly

Jim Daly

Jim Daly is president of Focus on the Family and host of the daily broadcast, heard by more than 6.3 million listeners a week on more than 1,000 radio stations across the U.S.

Daly has been married to his wife, Jean, since 1986. They have two sons and are currently parenting two children in foster care. They reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Resources By

Jim Daly

Bridging the Gap: Embracing a Whole-Life, Pro-Life Perspective

Dan Darling moderates a discussion between Russell Moore, Ann Voskamp, Jim Daly, and Jenny...

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Building an Adoption Culture in the Church: Fulfilling the Pro-Life Vision

Jim Daly discusses a pro-life perspective fulfilled by a culture of adoption within the...

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How to Build a Thriving Family

Jim Daly, President of Focus on the Family, shares several ways parents can build a...

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Reconcilable differences: Building bridges with those who disagree about marriage

The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword and will often bring...

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Focusing on the Family: Why being pro-family includes being pro-life

At the 2015 National Conference, Jim Daly talks about speaking with grace and truth in...

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The future of the pro-life movement

At the 2016 Evangelicals for Life conference, Dr. Russell Moore moderated a panel discussing...

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A Father to the fatherless: “God had me in the palm of his hand”

Jim Daly on the Father to the fatherless: "God had me in the palm of...

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E2: Speaking with Grace and Truth in the Public Square

The ERLC Podcast highlights content from past conferences and events, featuring leading voices in...

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religious liberty

The Future of the Pro-Life Movement

Kelly Rosati, Russell Moore, Jim Daly, Charmaine Yoest, and Samuel Rodriguez give insight into...

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human dignity

Focusing on the Family: Why Being Pro Family Includes Being Pro Life

Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, draws from his experience with a...

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A Conversation with the Man Behind the Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos

Russell Moore and Jim Daly talk to David Daleiden of the Center for Medical...

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religious liberty

Jim Daly on Speaking with Grace and Truth in the Public Square

Jim Daly talks about speaking with grace and truth in the public square at...

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