Washington, D.C., Oct. 22, 2013Russell D. Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, was featured in a front cover story of todays Wall Street Journal that describes his leadership in moving evangelicals beyond current culture wars to a convictional kindness that’s “winsome and emphatic.”
In the piece, written by WSJ political reporter, Neil King Jr., Moore says, It is time to tone down the rhetoric and pull back from the political fray, given what he calls a visceral recoil among younger evangelicals to the culture wars.
“We are involved in the political process, but we must always be wary of being co-opted by it, Moore said. “Christianity thrives when it is clearest about what distinguishes it from the outside culture.”
King’s story also includes interviews with other religious leaders including, Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Mark DeMoss and Ralph Reed.
You can read the entire article “here”:http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887324755104579072722223166570?mod=ITP_pageone_0 (with subscription).