Capitol Conversations

State Ballots and Split Juries

October 30, 2018

The nation’s eyes are on Congress one week away from the November 2018 elections, but the most consequential changes to public policy which affects your daily life happen on your state and local ballots. For one of those ballot initiatives, the ERLC policy team speaks to a criminal defense attorney in Louisiana leading the campaign to overturn a 138 year old law with critical implications for justice, equity, and race in America.

Guest Biography

Ed Tarpley is an attorney in Alexandria, Louisiana, who served as District Attorney for the 35th judicial district from 1991 to 1997. In addition to his law practice and other professional commitments, Ed serves on the Board of Directors of the Cenla Pregnancy Center, is a member of the Steering Committee for the Louisiana Governor's Prayer Breakfast, and previously served on the Board of Trustees for Louisiana College. He is also the author of a resolution adopted by the Louisiana State Bar Association on June 9, 2016, calling for the legislature to restore the unanimous criminal jury verdict in Louisiana.

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