In this episode, Josh, Lindsay, and Brent talk about the Democratic debate in Nevada, the Boy Scouts filing for bankruptcy, Utah’s move to de-criminalize polygamy, and new research on the top concerns for evangelical pastors in the United States. Lindsay also gives a rundown of this week’s ERLC content including an interview Jeff Pickering did with two former White House staffers, a new article from Chelsea Sobolik on pro-life legislation in the Senate, and Brents reflections on the importance of President’s Day. Also in this episode, the hosts are joined by Daniel Ritchie for a brief conversation about his life and ministry.
About Daniel
Daniel was born without arms and spent the majority of his life being told that he was a hopeless mistake and woefully insufficient to lead a full life. Yet, at the age of 15, he accepted Christ as his Lord. One year after getting saved, he submitted his life to a full-time call to ministry. Since then, God has allowed Daniel to serve in camp ministry, as a student pastor, conference speaker and writer. He now spends his time traveling, preaching & speaking at churches, conferences, and youth events in the United States and abroad. He recently published his first book, My Affliction For His Glory. You can follow him on Twitter: @DanielRitchie
ERLC Content
- Brent: Some Men Just Like the Fight by Jared Wilson (TGC)
- We live in crucial times for the church, especially in the West. There are skirmishes a’plenty, opportunities every day to go to war with our neighbors, with our brethren, with every Twitter rando with an itchy keyboard finger. We are called to wage relentless war on our sin (Heb. 4:12) and the spiritual powers of wickedness (Eph. 6:12). But not every invitation to battle with flesh and blood ought to be accepted. And rarely should such invitations be given.
- Lindsay: #doppelgangerchallenge
- Josh: Piercing Heaven: Prayers of the Puritans
ERLC Resource Making Disciples who Engage the Culture by Robby Gallaty Connect with us on Twitter
- @jbwester
- @LeatherwoodTN
- @LindsNicolet
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