The ERLC Podcast

Chauvin verdict, first flight on Mars, and a conversation with Virginia Roberson

April 23, 2021

In this episode, Josh, Lindsay, and Brent discuss Derek Chauvin’s verdict, fetal tissue research denounced, and the first flight on Mars. Lindsay gives a rundown of this week’s ERLC content including Jason Thacker with “How social media can impede our witness: The disconnect of the digital life,” Jill Waggoner with “How to raise children who honor human dignity,” and Julie Masson with “COVID-19 didn’t stop this pregnancy resource center from saving lives.” Also in this episode, the hosts are joined by Virginia Roberson for a conversation about life and ministry 

About Virginia

Virginia is the Director of Your Choice Resource Center a Pregnancy Resource Center in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. You can learn more about the ministry of Your Choice Resource Center at

ERLC Content


  1. Derek Chauvin found guilty
  2. Reactions to Chauvin verdict: “Justice for Black America is justice for all America”
  3. Biden Administration Ends Limits on Use of Fetal Tissue for Research
  4. First flight on Mars


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  • Every person has dignity and potential. But did you know that nearly 1 in 3 American adults has a criminal record? To learn more and sign up for the virtual Second Chance month visit
  • Stand for Life: At the ERLC, we stand for life. Our work to save preborn babies and care for the vulnerable is vital to our work. Believing that abortion can end in our lifetime, will you join us as we STAND FOR LIFE?

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