The ERLC Podcast

Mother’s Day, Nicolas Cage, and a conversation with Chelsea Sobolik

May 8, 2020

In this episode, Josh, Lindsay, and Brent discuss reopening churches, Mother’s Day, a growing mental health crisis,  Nicolas Cage Cast as Tiger King Joe Exotic, and mini pancakes. Lindsay also gives a rundown of this week’s ERLC content including a piece from Jared Kennedy with 12 things to consider with reopening children’s ministry, Eric Costanzo with 7 ways to serve our immigrant and refugee neighbors during a pandemic, and Alex Ward with 5 mothers who helped shaped Christian history. Also in this episode, the hosts are joined by Chelsea Sobolik for a conversation about life and ministry.  

About Chelsea

Chelsea Patterson Sobolik serves as a Policy Director in the Washington, D.C. office. Previously, she worked in the U.S. House of Representatives on pro-life policies, domestic and international religious freedom, adoption, and foster care issues. Chelsea is the author of Longing for Motherhood – Holding onto Hope in the Midst of Childlessness. She has a B.A. in International Relations from Liberty University, and lives in Washington, D.C., with her husband Michael. Twitter: @chelspat

ERLC Content


  1. A Message from President George W. Bush
  2. The Covid-19 Riddle: Why Does theVirus Wallop Some Places and Spare Others?
  3. The coronavirus pandemic is pushing America into a mental health crisis
  4. Don’t Forget the Other Pandemic Killing Thousands of Americans
  5. Illinois Governor Pritzker confirms churches will not be allowed to have services with more than 50 people until there is a vaccine
  6. A Georgia man was chased and killed while jogging, his mother says
  7. Supreme Court Arguments Resume — But With A Twist
  8. Supreme Court considers abortion mandate again
  9. Poland postpones presidential election
  10. 5.5 magnitude earthquake rattles Puerto Rico, damages buildings in Ponce
  11. North Korea says Kim Jong Un made public appearance
  12. Nicolas Cage Cast as Tiger King Joe Exotic in New TV Series
  13. Future Of Live Music Could Be Drive-In Concerts


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  • Q: Our church is thinking through what steps we need to take to begin re-opening and holding services again. What recommendations do you have?

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