The ERLC Podcast

Mouthwash vs. COVID-19, Brexit Countdown, and a conversation with Mary Wiley

December 18, 2020

In this episode, Josh, Brent, and Lindsay discuss the first American to receive the coronavirus vaccine, Biden and Pence getting the vaccine live on TV, how mouthwash slows COVID-19’s spread, Brexit, J.D. speaking at the March for Life, snow days, and Dolly Parton saving someone’s life. Lindsay also gives a rundown of this week’s ERLC content including the ERLC Staff with COVID-19 and the concern about aborted fetal cells in medicine, Jordan Wooten with “How lament can lead to hope in a time of plague: Grieving our losses amid the pandemic,” and Jason Thacker with “What is Parler, and why does it matter?” Also in this episode, the hosts are joined by Mary Wiley for a conversation about life and ministry. 

About Mary

Mary Wiley is the author of Everyday Theology, an eight-week Bible study exploring essential doctrines and why they matter in our everyday lives. She holds an MA in Theological Studies from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, works in publishing, and hosts the “Questions Kids Ask” podcast. She and her husband, John, have two children and live near Nashville. You can connect with her on Twitter: @marycwiley

ERLC Content


  1. Critical care nurse in New York is among first in US to receive a coronavirus vaccine
  2. Covid has killed more than 300,000 nationwide
  3. Biden, Pence to get COVID vaccine soon
  4. Gargling Could Slow COVID-19 Spread, Mouthwash Makers Say
  5. Emmanuel Macron: French president tests positive for COVID
  6. Brexit Countdown: What To Know As The United Kingdom Breaks With The EU
  7. AP: The Electoral College decisively confirmed Joe Biden on Monday as the nation’s next president
  8. Inauguration committee urges people not to travel for Biden’s inauguration
  9. Greear to be first SBC president to speak at March for Life
  10. Parts of the Northeast blanketed by over a foot of snow
  11. Fantastic snow day letter from Jefferson County Schools in West Virginia
  12. National Treasure Dolly Parton Literally Saved the Life of a 9-Year-Old Actress on the Set of Her Latest Christmas Movie


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  • End of Year Giving: If you’ve benefited from the content shared on this podcast, would you please consider making a year-end donation? Any individual donations we receive, apart from the Cooperative Program, goes to placing ultrasound machines in pro-life pregnancy centers, advocating for religious liberty, and human dignity here at home and across the globe.
  • Searching for Christmas by JD Greear. This book is perfect for giving to unbelieving friends and family this Christmas.

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