The ERLC Podcast

SBC 2021 highlights and the Fulton religious liberty victory

June 19, 2021

On this episode, Josh, Lindsay, and Brent highlights from the SBC 2021 and the religious liberty victory in the Fulton v. City of Philadelphia Supreme Court ruling.

ERLC Content


  1. Baptist Press: WRAP-UP: SBC elects Litton, takes control of EC investigation
  2. ERLC Annual Report: ERLC: Ultrasound placements continue to expand
  3. ERLC calls Supreme Court ruling in Fulton “a decisive 9-0 win for religious freedom”
  4. Light Magazine: The Road to ROE50: The Future of the Pro-life Movement
  5. SBC funny highlights: A/C guy; Lotties; Don’t flex at me

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  • Love your church: This engaging book by Tony Merida explores what church is, why it’s exciting to be a part of it, and why it’s worthy of our love and commitment. | Find out more about this book at

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