NASHVILLE, Tenn., June 4, 2014The Psalm 139 Project, a ministry of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, will grant an ultrasound machine to the “Care Net Pregnancy Resource Centers”: of northern Virginia, June 8 during the 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. EST services at “First Baptist Church”: of Woodbridge, Va.
Daniel Darling, vice-president of communications for the ERLC, and Clint Clifton, a D.C. city coordinator for the North American Mission Board, will announce the granting of the machine to Care Nets director, Karen Snuffer. The ultrasound machine is scheduled to be delivered to the center when their facilities are ready.
We are proud to stand alongside the heroic work of Care Net Pregnancy Resource Centers, said Darling. Every day they live out the gospel, offering hope and grace to young women and their children. Like the ERLC, they see the worth of the unborn child and the pregnant girl as created in the image of their Creator. We are humbled to invest, with this ultrasound machine, in this vital ministry.
The Psalm 139 Project exists to make individuals aware of the life-saving potential of ultrasound technology in crisis pregnancy situations and to help pregnancy care centers minister to women who are vulnerable to abortion by providing them with ultrasound equipment.
Snuffer commented on receiving the machine for Care Net.
As executive director of this incredible ministry for the past seven years I can attest to the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through this ministry. As the gospel is shared, and the truth about life, the lies of the enemy are being destroyed and the kingdom of God is progressing.
Aside from the gospel, ultrasound is the most effective tool pregnancy resource centers have to reveal the precious life in the womb. Our goal, and vision from God, is to ensure that every woman, contemplating abortion, has the opportunity to view an ultrasound prior to making her decision. Eighty-seven percent of our clients who view an ultrasound choose life for their babies. We praise God for this technology and the opportunity he gives us to impart truth to those He brings through our doors.
Since 2004, the ministry has provided ultrasound equipment for pregnancy care centers in Denver, Colo.; New Albany, Ind.; San Marcos, Texas; Lakeland, Fla.; Houston, Texas; New Orleans, La.; Phoenix, Ariz.; and Corinth, Miss.
“Care Net is quite literally saving and changing lives, said Clifton. Their ministry is effective, their work is saturated in the gospel. Our church has supported Care Net for years and we believe deeply in their ministry. This sonogram machine will, no doubt, save lives both physically and spiritually in times of crisis.
One hundred percent of financial contributions donated to the Psalm 139 Project go toward purchasing sonogram machines and providing training for workers. Tax-deductible gifts may be made c/o ERLC, 901 Commerce Street, Nashville, Tenn., 37203. Financial contributions can also be given online at
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The Southern Baptist Convention is Americas largest Protestant denomination with more than 15.7 million members in over 46,000 churches nationwide. The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission is the SBCs ethics, religious liberty and public policy entity with offices in Nashville, Tenn. and Washington, D.C.
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