Life  Press Release  Sanctity of Life

Psalm 139 Project to donate 10 ultrasound machines to pregnancy resource centers across America

NASHVILLE, Tenn., Dec. 10, 2020—The Psalm 139 Project, a pro-life ministry of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, will donate 10 ultrasound machines to pregnancy resource centers across the country. This is the most machines the ERLC has ever placed at a given time. 

Today’s announcement is the first of many initiatives by the ERLC to call attention to the fact that nearly 50 years have passed since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. Through strategic pro-life efforts such as the placement of ultrasound machines across the country, the ERLC will continue preparing the way for churches to be ready for a post-Roe cultural moment. 

The Psalm 139 Project focuses on aiding pregnancy resource centers by securing ultrasound machines and providing training for their use. The centers use the machines in their life-saving work to support women and families in crisis pregnancy situations, helping many to make the choice for life. 

Earlier this year, the ERLC’s Psalm 139 Project placed an ultrasound machine at Mosaic Sexual Health Clinic in Tallahassee, Florida, and another ultrasound machine at Care Net of Las Cruces in Las Cruces, New Mexico. 

Since the program’s inception, the ERLC has provided ultrasound machines for pregnancy care centers in Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Indiana, Colorado, Mississippi, Florida, Arizona, Ohio, Maryland, Missouri, Tennessee, South Carolina, Alabama, Arkansas and New Mexico. 

Russell Moore, president of the ERLC, commented on the announcement of these ultrasound placements.

“Even in a year of grim pandemic, the Lord is at work. This massive new initiative in our ERLC Psalm 139 ministry is one of the most exciting developments I have seen in a long, long time. With this new development, we are able to take our ministry of partnering with pregnancy resource centers to help preborn children and their mothers to a warp speed. We pray for the day when such ministries are not needed––when every human life is protected and valued. But, until then, one of the most important aspects of pro-life ministry is to take away a primary tool of a culture of human disposability, and that is the invisibility of the vulnerable. Since the Fall, every human being is drawn toward asking, in various ways, ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’ or ‘Who is my neighbor?’ The massive influx of these technologies through our ERLC Psalm 139 Project is a pivotal way of helping people to see that these children are not abstractions–’unplanned pregnancies’ or ‘concepts of conception’–and mothers in a time of crisis are not abstractions–’potential choosers of abortion’–but that all of them are made in the image of God, loved by Jesus and to be loved by those who bear the name of Jesus. Much planning and prayer have gone into this new project, and I am thrilled to be able to announce its launch.”

Daniel Patterson, executive vice president of the ERLC, commented on the significance of the Psalm 139 Project to the fulfillment of the ERLC’s mission.

“Right at the core of who we are is our charge to stand athwart the wickedness of the abortion industry with a vibrant gospel witness. That’s why the ERLC has placed two dozen life-saving ultrasound machines across the country in recent years. Because the stakes are so high for these children, we felt a God-given restlessness to do more. By God’s grace, we’re placing 10 machines over the next six months. That’s 10 times the number of machines placed and centers served in a normal year, and we hope it will result in many more the number of women served and lives saved. As a pro-life organization, I can hardly think of a better way to fulfill our mission.”

Elizabeth Graham, vice president of operations and life initiatives for the ERLC, commented on the announcement of placing these 10 ultrasound machines. 

“These 10 new ultrasound machine placements are just the beginning of the steps the ERLC is taking to stand for life on the road to ROE50, which will mark the tragic 50th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. The Psalm 139 Project allows the ERLC the honor of stewarding 100 percent of the donations it receives to place machines and train staff in pregnancy resource centers. By partnering with generous supporters, we are able to play a part in protecting the lives of preborn children by supporting these centers who, in turn, support women in need.”

One hundred percent of financial contributions designated to the Psalm 139 Project go toward purchasing ultrasound machines and providing training for workers. No cooperative program resources are used for these machines. Tax-deductible gifts may be made to ERLC, 901 Commerce Street, Nashville, Tenn., 37203. Learn more at

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