About / Katie Fruge

Katie Fruge

Katie Frugé is a stomach cancer survivor, special needs parent, amateur baker, professional theologian, and human rights advocate.  She has a Ph.D. in Systematic Theology, her primary area of interest is the imago Dei and human dignity. She serves as Associate Director for the Christian Life Commission of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. Katie loves a good cup of coffee, a good run, and a good musical.

Resources By

Katie Fruge

The Why of the Church

What Scripture says about Christians’ Engagement in the Public Square

“For Christians to withdraw themselves from the world of politics is poor strategy. It...

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SB8 Texas Heartbeat Bill

How will local churches respond in light of SB8?

A call for the church to lovingly prepare for a post-Roe world

Through my work with Texas Baptist Christian Life Commission, I have shared publicly what...

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