About / Noah Oldham

Noah Oldham

Noah Oldham is the lead and planting pastor of August Gate Church, a multi-gathering church-planting church in the city and suburbs of St. Louis, Mo. Noah grew up in southeastern Illinois and shortly after being saved, left home to attend college outside of St. Louis to play football and pursue medicine or law. It was there that God called him instead to give his life to preaching the gospel and making disciples of the most un-churched and de-churched generation in America’s history. In pursuit of this call, he earned a BA from McKendree College and both an MAR and MDiv from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. Noah planted August Gate Church in 2009 and has served as the St. Louis City Missionary for the North American Mission Board since 2011. He is a contributing author for the Church Planting Survival Guide and is a regular contributor to NAMB’s Send Network blog and the For the Church blog through Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Noah has been married to his wife, Heather, since 2005 and together they have four children. One of Noah’s greatest dreams is to be a part of the generation of leaders that sees the abolition of abortion in the United States.
