Issue Briefs from 2019

The freedom of religion and belief is a fundamental human right. The ERLC consistently upholds its commitment in the Southern Baptist Convention’s summary of faith, the Baptist Faith & Message, that “A free church in a free state is the Christian ideal, and this implies the right of free and unhindered access to God on


The ERLC affirms the full dignity of every human being. At the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Messengers passed a resolution to “reaffirm the sacredness and full dignity and worthiness of respect and Christian love for every single human being, without any reservation.” The SBC’s commitment to love of neighbor is grounded in the


Southern Baptists affirm that every life is worthy of protection, beginning with the unborn. We believe life begins at conception, and that abortion denies precious human lives both personhood and protection. Scripture is clear that every person is made in the image of God – including the unborn – and his knowledge of the unborn even precedes the
