Policy Briefs from 2019

Southern Baptists affirm adoption as a central theological theme for our communities. We adopt because we ourselves were adopted through Christ into the family of God. A recent resolution of the Southern Baptist Convention stated this aspiration, “We pray what God is doing in creating an adoption culture in so many churches and families can point us to a


On June 25, 2019, the ERLC led a coalition of scholars, religious and secular leaders, human rights advocates, and practitioners through the International Religious Freedom Roundtable expressing our serious concerns over the human rights violations and religious freedom abuses in China. The letter urges the Administration to counter China morally and make international religious freedom a top priority in


The freedom of religion and belief is a fundamental human right. The right to believe, practice, and live according to one’s own religious faith is a God-given, fundamental human right. The government only officially recognizes five religious entities, all of which face significant pressure and are aggressively monitored and regulated. The Chinese government continues to


The ERLC affirms that every human life is endowed by God with immeasurable dignity. Scripture illustrates the truth that every man, woman, and child is created in the image of God. We believe His knowledge of each person’s life precedes the creative act of conception. Abortion is not healthcare. If human dignity is given to


The ERLC joined a coalition of 86 faith-based nonprofits, religious entities, and institutions of higher education to state our opposition to H.R. 5, the Equality Act. Here are several excerpts from the letter: “We write on behalf of millions of Americans who are deeply concerned about the harms of the Equality Act, which undermines religious
