Presidential Letters from 2022

The Supreme Court has not always been a friend to the vulnerable. To name but a few of its more disastrous decisions: the relegation of African Americans to property in Dred Scott (1857), the eugenics argument for sterilizing those with intellectual disabilities in Buck v. Bell (1927), and the bigotry of the Korematsu (1944) decision


Looking out my window sits downtown Nashville. Music City, with its dozens of new high-rise buildings going in, should probably be referred to as Crane City. When settlers first came to this region, I doubt they could have envisioned what this city has become. The first Europeans arrived here in the early 1700s and established


Recently, our life group at church had the opportunity to walk through Exodus together. As we read those chapters, I was once again reminded of an aspect of Moses that has always resonated with me—he seeks to right wrongs.  Whether it was defending the honor of Zipporah and her sisters or standing up to Pharaoh,
