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ERLC books published in 2018

In an effort to equip the church, members of the ERLC have published several books over the last year (and the end of the previous year). Touching on topics such as human dignity, race, diversity, gender, technology, and the family, these books and resources can be used to think more deeply about the issues facing Christians and the church. Below are the recent books published by ERLC authors for 2018, as well as some published in late 2017. We hope that they may be a useful guide for you in thinking through how to engage the culture around you with the gospel.

Dan Darling, The Dignity Revolution: Reclaiming God’s Rich Vision for Humanity (The Good Book Co.)

Each person possesses dignity because they are made in the image of God. That is the both obvious and counter-cultural claim made by Dan Darling in The Dignity Revolution. In the face of daily examples of abuse, scandal, hate, and pain, Darling offers a simple but powerful message: The church should offer the truth that each individual bears dignity and is worthy of our respect. For this reason, from the moment of conception to the moment of death, and every moment in between, people are to be treated for what they are—those bearing the image and majesty of God. Darling examines topics as wide ranging as abortion, end-of-life issues, prison and criminal justice, race, work, poverty, and sexuality. In each of these, he calls us to see not an issue but people. We may disagree with them, but we must never malign them or rob them of the dignity that they are owed as fellow image-bearers. Dan Darling offers a hopeful message of how we are to treat the stranger in our land as well as our political adversary. As the church, we are to be the voice which always points to upholding the dignity of all because we recognize the unique position of image-bearers, especially when others do not.

You can order a copy of The Dignity Revolution here.

Jason Thacker, Technology & The Future: Human Flourishing in a Digital Age (Leland House Press)

One of the most pressing questions facing Christians is how we are to understand technology. In this short introduction, Jason Thacker offers the church a helpful tool to begin engaging the increasing digital world around them. Rather than approach technology as inherently good or evil, Thacker asks Christians to consider the deeper ethical questions of how we use technology.

Ultimately, it is a tool to be used for the glory and love of God and love of neighbor. Thacker’s hopeful message for the church is that technology is a good gift from God, but we must thoughtfully consider the ways that we are shaped by and are shaping this gift. It is a great introductory resource for those beginning to think through a theology of technology.

You can order a copy of Technology and the Future here.

Russell Moore, The Storm-Tossed Family: How the Cross Reshapes the Home (B&H Books)

The family is under assault. However, this is not a diatribe against American culture, but a reminder that the family has always been under assault. That is the claim of Russell Moore in his most recent book, The Storm-Tossed Family. The family is the place which has the ability to provide grace and shelter, but also is the place where we are most vulnerable. Moore’s book is a hopeful indicator that while our family may be in crisis, or we may feel as if we have no family, there is one who understands the unique pain that a family can bring, and who stands with nail-scarred hands ready to receive us into a family not of blood but divine will.

The church, as the family of God, is to be the place of refuge from the storms of the world. The church offers a vision of family not grounded in strength, power, or usefulness. Rather, each member is recognized and regarded as worthy because we all have been adopted. Covering topics such as sex, children, marriage, manhood and womanhood, and parenting, Moore shows how the a cross-centered vision forms and guides the approach of the church to these issues. The cross, like the family, is a place of both pain and salvation. The path of salvation is a path that is not easy. It is like a boat rocked on the waves, but not sunk. The family may be under assault, but it will not be destroyed.

You can order a copy of The Storm-Tossed Family here.

Trillia Newbell, God's Very Good Idea: A True Story of God's Delightfully Different Family (The Good Book Co.)

In this children’s book, Trillia Newbell shows how the beauty of diversity was part of God’s plan. Beginning in Eden and culminating before the throne of God, the book explores the ways that diversity evidences the creativity of God and is a part of design and goal of the universe. This diversity is manifest most when people who are different love one another and their differences.

Newbell offers parents the chance to engage their children with the gospel story and its importance on the topic of race. For those seeking a book to broach these complex topics with their young children, Newbell’s offering is an indispensable resource. (Published in late 2017.)

You can order a copy of God’s Very Good Idea here.

Andrew Walker, God and the Transgender Debate: What does the Bible Actually Say about Gender Identity (The Good Book Co.)

What does the Bible have to say about gender identity? In this book, Andrew Walker examines one of the most pressing questions in culture. Walker offers an accessible volume for those seeking answers or an introduction to the terms. This pastoral book is meant to be used by those wondering about pronoun usage, how to love and care for those with gender dysphoria, and the witness of the church in a gender-confused age.

The winner of the 2017 The Gospel Coalition Public Theology and Current Events Book of the Year Award, God and the Transgender Debate is a helpful tool for those seeking to understand the new landscape of gender and sexuality while also bringing to bear the truth of Scripture on the issue. Readers will come away with both a theology of gender and practical guidelines for navigating this new reality. (Published in late 2017.)

You can order a copy of God and the Transgender Debate here.

Thanks to the generosity of our cooperating churches and supporters like you, the ERLC is able to be courageous in the public square. Help us multiply our efforts by making a tax-deductible end-of-year gift to the ERLC today.

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