Everyday, 3,300 young women wake up with an unplanned pregnancy.
They are vulnerable young women—confused, ashamed and scared—who are faced with a difficult choice.
As Christians, we have the opportunity to live out the gospel by shepherding these women toward responsible choices, intentional parenting and, ultimately, peace with God through Christ. Many live this out by creating pro-life pregnancy resource centers in their communities. I’ve had the chance to meet with these wonderful, godly heroes, who often work on a volunteer basis or for very little pay. There are untold stories of young women whose lives have been transformed by the compassionate gospel they encountered at a resource center This encounter influenced them to choose to keep the life God had given them.
The ERLC has a strong desire to come alongside pregnancy resource centers by providing ultrasound machines through our Psalm 139 Project. This program is made possible by generous donors. Recently, we created a new video that illustrates the impact PRC’s make in the life of a young woman. If you feel as compelled as we do, we encourage to share this video and to consider donating to help create a culture of life: