
Like you, we want to be aware of and knowledgable about the pressing moral and cultural issues that we face every day. Furthermore, as Southern Baptists, we want to know how God’s Word and the Baptist Faith and Message address these issues and inform our response.

Through our various resources, including articles, our magazine, the ERLC Podcast, and videos, we offer a voice of hope that will assist you in responding to matters regarding life, religious liberty, marriage and family, and human dignity with compassion and conviction.





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LIGHT magazine

Light is our biannual magazine that takes an in-depth look at cultural and moral concerns. We apply God’s Word and Baptist convictions in a way that will help shape your voice in the public square. Subscribe today and get information that will provide clarity around the public policy issues that matter to you.


The ERLC Podcast

On this updated format of the ERLC Podcast, we want to give you brief, informed, practical, and biblically-based answers to important cultural issues.


executive branch

Why a Southern Baptist witness before the executive branch is vital

Today, we’re continuing our series focused on our work in Washington D.C. by discussing...

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ERLC works in D.C.

How the ERLC works in D.C. for Southern Baptist churches

Today, we’re kicking off a new series focusing on how we work in Washington,...

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cultural views of marriage and sexuality

How Christians can evaluate cultural views of marriage and sexuality

Today on The ERLC Podcast, we’re talking about the trends of cultural views of...

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gender and sexuality issues

How Southern Baptists are working together on gender and sexuality issues

Today on the ERLC Podcast, we’re talking about how the ERLC’s work on gender...

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Skrmetti Supreme Court Case

What is the Skrmetti Supreme Court case?

In today’s episode, we dive into the Skrmetti Supreme Court case talking about parental...

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SBC advocacy

What the 2024 election results mean for SBC advocacy

This week we’re featuring a special election episode on what the 2024 election results...

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A parent’s rights and responsibilities in an age of gender confusion

A parent’s rights include a God-given responsibility to raise their children according to a...

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Baptist state conventions

How Baptist state conventions are engaging abortion ballot initiatives

On this episode of the ERLC Podcast, we’re continuing the conversation about state abortion...

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