About / Seth Brown

Seth Brown

Seth Brown is content editor for the Biblical Recorder, news journal of North Carolina Baptists, and lay pastor at Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, N.C. He and his wife, Lauren, are Mississippi natives who live in Wake Forest, N.C., with their three children. Seth is a graduate of William Carey University and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Resources By

Seth Brown

How one mom’s ‘aha moment’ became a multiplying outreach ministry

What does it take to reach the nations with the gospel? Ashley Unzicker discovered...

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GHR supported ministry serves refugee population in Southeast Asia

“I don’t want to go back,” Naomi* said, her voice thick with emotion. The...

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Pro-life ministry barred again from Raleigh facility

A Hand of Hope Pregnancy Resource Center faced another setback Feb. 13 when the Raleigh...

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Baptists confront refugee crisis at Greek border

“Europe faces an imminent humanitarian crisis,” warned the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees...

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