Explainer  Life  Abortion  Public Policy

Explainer: How you can stand for life in Missouri’s upcoming election

Understanding the Pro-Abortion Constitutional Amendment on Your Ballot

stand for life in Missouri

Standing for life in Missouri is vital in light of a pro-abortion measure on the state’s ballot, titled “Right to Reproductive Freedom,” If passed, this amendment would change the state’s constitution to include “the right” to abortion. It would make Missouri one of the most permissive states for abortion in the nation since it allows for abortion for “mental health” reasons.

What Scripture tells us about standing for life

Christians are called to uphold the sanctity of life, recognizing that human life is sacred because every human being is created in the image of God (Gen. 1:27). Scripture affirms that God knows us before we are formed in the womb (Jer. 1:5) and that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” by him (Ps. 139). Christians guided by the truths of God’s Word should recognize the threat abortion represents for our preborn neighbors and should stand for life. 

Standing for life in the Missouri election

A “no” vote means that Missouri’s current pro-life laws would remain on the books. Missouri has historically been a leader in the effort to save innocent life, support mothers, and serve families targeted by the abortion industry, with strong laws that reflect the value of life at all stages.

A “yes” vote supports amending the Missouri Constitution to provide the right for “reproductive freedom,” prevents the state Legislature from enacting any law to protect ​​the preborn prior to “fetal viability,” and allows late-term abortion if keeping the child would affect the mother’s “mental health”—a loophole so large it creates the potential for abortion “on demand.”

How can I vote in Missouri?

  • Election Day is ⁦Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024⁩.
  • In-person voting: You can find your voting locations in Missouri by clicking here. You can check your voter registration status and register to vote on the Missouri secretary of state’s website. The final day to register to vote is Oct. 9.
  • Absentee voting: Mail in or faxed absentee ballot requests must be received by the election authority no later than 5:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday prior to Election Day. From Tuesday, Oct. 22, through Monday, Nov. 4. you may vote a no-excuse absentee ballot in person at a location designated by your local election authority.

What can you do to stand for life in Missouri? 

There are several ways you can promote a culture of life in Missouri: 

  • Pray for wisdom for Missouri voters, for the defeat of this amendment, and for a robust culture of life to take hold.
  • Stand for life at the ballot box. The initiative only needs 50% approval of voters to pass, so every vote against this measure counts in the effort to protect life.
  • Educate others about the true nature of this proposal. Share information with your community about the potential consequences of this amendment. 
  • Advocate by contacting your local representatives and encouraging them to stand firm in their defense of life.
  • Support pro-life and pro-family organizations by volunteering with or donating to those who are actively working to promote a culture of life in Missouri.
stand for life in Missouri

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