Policy / Life

Life Policy


“The sacredness of human personality is evident in that God created man in His own image, and in that Christ died for man; therefore, every person of every race possesses full dignity and is worthy of respect and Christian love.”

In this way, the Baptist Faith & Message summarizes the biblical revelation that every person bears the image of God, and thus, is worthy of protection and dignity, regardless of age, level of ability, or stage of development.

The ERLC will always advocate for preborn lives to be protected. Following the Dobbs decision in 2022, we’ve seen both monumental gains for life in many states and new challenges emerge, such as rising availability of chemical abortion drugs and “abortion tourism.” We must persuade our lawmakers that the federal government still has an important role to play in protecting life and combatting this evil in all forms.

In our advocacy with the federal government and the courts, we will seek to both protect previous gains in these areas and to persuade others to consider the dignity of human lives too often counted as invisible or disposable. Below are some aspects of our federal pro-life legislative priorities.


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What the ERLC is engaging in 2024

Support Pro-Life Appropriations Riders
Support No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act
Oppose the Biden Administration’s Pro-Abortion Regulatory Agenda
Oppose the Proliferation of Chemical Abortions
Support Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
Support the Work of Pregnancy Resource Centers
Urge the Court to Protect Life in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA
Support Federal Abortion Restrictions
Oppose Abortion Tourism
Strengthen International Pro-Life Work
Oppose the Women’s Health Protection Act
Expand Hyde Protections to Prohibit Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Travel
Oppose Physician-Assisted Suicide and all Euthanasia Efforts
Regulate the IVF Industry

How to use this policy center

Use the menu to select an issue from the annual policy agenda that outlines the core public policy priorities for this Commission over the next year. Within each issue, learn more through explainers, ERLC and SBC actions, white papers, and related resources.

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Flipping the script in the abortion debate

We must engage the best arguments of the day with biblical realities of the humanity of all people as made in God’s image, tell a better story than those around us, and love others with both truth and grace rather than simply seeking to score points on our political foes. 

REad the essay

Other policy topics we engage

Our work is rooted in the truths of Scripture and can be categorized in four main areas: life, religious liberty, marriage and family, and human dignity.

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Religious Liberty

Religious liberty is a Baptist principle rooted in the belief that a “free church in a free state” serves our churches, provides for the common good, and allows believers to share the gospel freely.

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Marriage & Family

We desire to see policies enacted that allow men, women, and children to flourish according to God’s good design for sexuality and family.

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Human Dignity

True human dignity, rooted in the imago Dei, motivates the ERLC to stand for the displaced, the trafficked, the preyed upon, and the persecuted—wherever they might be.

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