About / Brittany Salmon

Brittany Salmon

Brittany is a wife, mother, and writer living in Abilene, Texas. She is an adjunct professor in Global Studies, a doctoral student at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and has a forthcoming book with Moody Publishers (Spring 2022). 

Resources By

Brittany Salmon


3 verses to guide our adoption practices this National Adoption Awareness Month

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve begun a conversation around adoption with,...

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Three ways of thinking for a healthy relationship with technology

"The Social Dilemma" and our social media habits

A few days ago, I started hearing buzz around the documentary, “The Social Dilemma.”...

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Three tips on teaching your children about racism

Parenting is hard, but learning how to parent as a white mom to black,...

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4 Advent resources for the whole family

The Christmas tree is up, our house is decorated, and my children are ecstatic...

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3 ways the Church can advocate for birthmothers

A missing piece in our adoption advocacy

The Church is no stranger to adoption. Many congregations in the United States observe...

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3 ways we can serve widows and orphans throughout the year

Widow and Orphan Sunday as a lifestyle

If you’ve been in a Southern Baptist Church for long, you’re more than likely...

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Three lies to overcome in seasons of waiting

The majority of my adult life, I’ve found myself in seasons of waiting. When...

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4 ways to talk respectfully about adoption

When our youngest was an infant, and we were newly navigating our life as...

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4 ways to address sex work with your teens

Responding to Teen Vogue’s op-ed

This past Spring, Teen Vogue published an article titled “Why Sex Work is Real...

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3 ways to point your kids to Jesus this summer

School is officially out, and my children have all been home together for a...

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4 new books to gift your child this spring

Our family loves books, so it’s not a surprise that every holiday the children...

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How should we parent as Christians in America?

Parenting isn’t for the faint of heart. According to recent research studying the workload...

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