About / D. A. Horton

D. A. Horton

Resources By

D. A. Horton

For the City: Race, urban ministry, and cultural engagement

Developing a heart for and practice of racial reconciliation is one of the most...

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Every square inch: How cultural engagement intersects with everyday life

Learning how to live out the gospel in every aspect of our lives—even waving...

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The pastor and politics

The upcoming Presidential election—and it’s unprecedented nature—has many pastors wondering what their responsibility is...

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human dignity

How Should a Church Engage in Politics?

Phillip Bethancourt (moderator), J.D. Greear, D.A. Horton, Jimmy Scroggins and Matt Carter discuss the...

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religious liberty

Panel: Gospel Centered Racial Reconciliation

From the 2015 ERLC Leadership Summit on “The Gospel and Racial Reconciliation” with David...

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religious liberty

Panel: The State of Racial Reconciliation in America

"The State Of Racial Reconciliation In America: Ferguson, Eric Garner, and Your Community" from...

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human dignity

The State of Marriage in American Culture

A panel discussion (Phillip Bethancourt (moderator), Russell Moore, Albert Mohler, D. A. Horton, and...

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