About / Jenn Hesse

Jenn Hesse

Jenn Hesse is a writer, editor, and cofounder of a ministry that supports women walking through infertility, infant loss, and adoption. She lives with her husband and two sons in Oregon and writes at jennhesse.com.

Resources By

Jenn Hesse

What would Jesus post?

Reexamining our social media practices

I wore it with the confidence of a No Fear brand ambassador. I believed...

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3 ways the Church can advocate for birthmothers

A missing piece in our adoption advocacy

The Church is no stranger to adoption. Many congregations in the United States observe...

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Why adoption is a redemptive pro-life option

Saving lives and nurturing relationships

The day Brooke Orthman walked into a pregnancy counseling center, she made a list....

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How a birth mother’s choice is an illustration of the gospel

It’s an odd experience, shaking hands with the mother of your son before you...

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Why adoption isn’t Plan A or B

Love, marriage, baby carriage—that’s the predictable course many couples follow to fulfill the cultural...

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God remembers the barren, and so should the church

I walked in the door to a foyer teeming with children. My husband and...

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Why we need to fight for the families in our communities

Our oldest son came to our family through adoption and, as a gift we...

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