About / Krissie Inserra

Krissie Inserra

Krissie is a pastor's wife, mom, and active member in her local church and community. She has served in pregnancy resource centers and has authored numerous articles. Krissie speaks at women’s ministry events, has worked on staff and volunteered at her local pregnancy center, and has authored numerous articles. Krissie is married to Dean Inserra, lead pastor of City Church in Tallahassee, Florida, and they have four children.

Resources By

Krissie Inserra

Pride Month

How to talk to your kids about Pride Month and sexuality

4 suggestions for teaching God’s design for sex and gender 

Summer is upon us, and along with soaring temperatures and a break from school...

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Talking to your children about sex, marriage and same-sex marriage

Roundtable contributors: Jani Ortlund, Stephanie Goeke, Krissie Inserra, Trillia Newbell and Jena Starke. What...

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