from 2018

Russell Moore writes about the purifying power of Judgement Day, and Beth Moore discusses the necessity of accountability. John Perkins, the civil rights hero, calls for bold believers. Jared Wilson talks about what to do when we fail, while Phillip Bethancourt highlights the urgent need to address sexual abuse. And the outgoing governor of Tennessee,


On November 1, 2018, the ERLC rejoiced at the news of Asia Bibi’s blasphemy charge and death penalty being overturned by the Pakistani Supreme Court. However, since the acquittal, Bibi’s family has reportedly been hunted by Islamic extremist while Asia is being held in protective custody. Currently, Bibi’s request for asylum has been complicated by the


"My house is too quiet," Beth Strong says. "I struggle to make ends meet. Every weekend, I travel several hours each way to see my husband during visitation hours. My adult children and grandchildren are celebrating birthdays and other milestones while he is behind bars."   Beth's life was turned upside down when her husband


The love of God and neighbor is at the foundation of all of the ERLC’s work because this love is the greatest commandment in the kingdom of Christ. This love compels ERLC’s public policy advocacy in Washington, including efforts to defend constitutional rights before the Supreme Court on cases fraught with cultural tension. If the


Every year we get to share incredible content, including videos, articles, and podcasts, from top-notch contributors who help you, our readers, think biblically about the most pressing issues of our day. It’s interesting to look over the subjects we’ve covered and evaluate the most popular items. We posted close to 400 articles alone this year,


It’s an odd experience, shaking hands with the mother of your son before you get a chance to hold him. My pulse was racing when my husband and I sat down in the adoption agency office to chat with the woman who was changing our lives at great cost to her own. “Good to meet


I’ll never forget one of the hardest Christmases I’ve had. Though I love all the elements of the season—the colors, the lights, the decorations, the smells, the treats, and the celebration of Christ’s birth—it wasn’t “the most wonderful time of the year.” And the reality is that the holidays are terribly hard for many people.
