Editorial Letters from 2020

The floodgates began to open up in October 2017 with the phrase “Me too” on Twitter. Exhausted and fueled by the injustice of abuse and the devastation of enduring years of cover-up, people began to share their accounts of sexual abuse and assault, which led to countless predators being brought to justice amid a powerful


We usually don’t realize that something is significant, history-making, or even culture shifting until it’s in the past. I am reminded of what the character Andy Bernard on The Office said as he reflected on a similar sentiment: “I wish there was a way to know you are in the good ol’ days before you have actually


Many people talked about “cabin fever” during the social distancing necessary due to the COVID-19 pandemic, often musing about the places they wish they could go—the beach or a restaurant or a baseball game. But the one place I found myself longing to visit was not one I might have guessed originally: a funeral home. 
