The ERLC signed this letter with our pro-life partners and alongside other Southern Baptists in defense of preborn lives and the safety of women. This past November, we also asked President Trump to make reversing access to the abortion pill a priority for his first 100 days in office.
In a press release by Americans United for Life, they share the reason pro-life groups are calling on the Trump Administration to take action on the abortion pill:
“Just two days after the presidential inauguration, Americans United for Life (AUL) and a coalition of leading pro-life organizations, including Live Action and the James Wilson Institute, are calling on the Trump Administration to take action on the abortion pill, Mifeprex, to preserve the health and safety of women and girls. The coalition has sent letters to the FDA and DOJ urging the reinstatement of basic safety measures under the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) and enforcement of anti-abortion trafficking laws under the Comstock Act.”
The ERLC looks forward to the day the abortion pill is prohibited entirely and asks the Trump administration, at a minimum, to reverse the Biden Administration’s actions which have cost preborn lives and threatened the health and safety of women.
Read the full press release by Americans United for Life.
Additional resources on ending access to the abortion pill
- ERLC’s policy stance on Ending the Proliferation of Chemical Abortions
- 5 Policy Priorities for President Trump’s First 100 Days
- Public comments letter to oppose the coverage of abortifacient contraceptives
- For more policies that promote a culture of life, visit