Life  ERLC Actions  Policy Statement  Infertility  Sanctity of Life

ERLC Opposes VA’s Expansion of IVF Coverage


Using taxpayer resources to fund actions that undermine this biblical understanding of marriage transgresses our deepest held beliefs regarding life, gender, and sexuality and violates the consciences of millions of Americans.

Miles Mullin

POLICY STATEMENT, WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention is calling for the Biden administration to withdraw the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) planned expansion of in vitro fertilization (IVF) insurance coverage and for U.S. legislators to oppose the Veteran Families Health Services Act of 2023, which seeks to permanently codify these actions into federal law.

The VA announced yesterday that it will move to expand coverage of IVF to include individuals that are single or in same-sex relationships. This is the first time fertility treatments of any form have been covered by Tricare, the federal insurance covering servicemembers and their dependents, without regard for marital status, sex, or gender identity. 

“Southern Baptists believe life begins at conception and that ‘the family is the foundational institution of our society’” said Miles Mullin, vice president of the ERLC. 

“In effect, this action by the VA undermines good governance by no longer requiring marital status to receive federal employee insurance coverage for IVF, as well as resulting in taxpayer-funded family formation that is contrary to God’s good design for human flourishing. 

“While we affirm the desire for a family as good and God-given, our faith informs how it should be accomplished. Family begins with ‘one man and one woman in covenant commitment’. Using taxpayer resources to fund actions that undermine this biblical understanding of marriage transgresses our deepest held beliefs regarding life, gender, and sexuality and violates the consciences of millions of Americans.”

The Southern Baptist Convention is America’s largest Protestant denomination with more than 13.6 million members and a network of over 47,000 cooperating churches and congregations. The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission is the SBC’s ethics, religious liberty and public policy agency with offices in Nashville, Tenn., and Washington, D.C.


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