Human Dignity  Statement  Supreme Court

Evangelical leaders support Judge Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court appointment

As evangelical leaders, our views on just government and human flourishing are based on biblical principles. Our commitment to these principles remains resolute in our rapidly changing culture.

We believe that Scripture teaches that government is justly ordered when it exercises the proper authority delegated to it by God. This means ensuring the rule of law, administering justice fairly and impartially, protecting the God-given dignity of every human being, and safeguarding our constitutional liberties.

As custodians of our first freedoms, Supreme Court justices play a unique role in shaping the trajectory of legal precedent and public morality in our country. Because of the great importance the Supreme Court plays in interpreting the Constitution, it is necessary that nominees be impartial and faithful to the Constitution as it is, not as he or she simply wishes it to be.

We believe that the judicial philosophy of Judge Brett Kavanaugh fulfills the important criteria listed above and merits appointment as the next associate justice on the United States Supreme Court. Given his credentials, and in view of the overwhelming support Judge Brett Kavanaugh received upon his appointment to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in 2006, the U.S. Senate should work diligently to confirm his appointment without obstruction.

Supreme Court nominations are a crucial aspect of any president’s legacy. With Judge Kavanaugh, President Trump has an opportunity to shape the direction of the Supreme Court for a generation or more. As evangelical leaders, we support President Trump’s nominee and will pray and work for a quick confirmation process.


*Please note that the title and institution listed for each signatory is used for identification purposes only and does not necessarily constitute an official endorsement by the institution.

Russell Moore
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Daniel Akin
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Randy Alcorn
Founder & Director
Eternal Perspective Ministries

Jason K. Allen
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary & Spurgeon College

Hunter Baker
Dean of Arts and Sciences
Union University

Joel Belz
World Magazine

Phillip Bethancourt
Executive Vice President
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Denny Burk
The Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood

Felix Cabrera
Pastor, Second Vice President
Iglesia Bautista Central, Southern Baptist Convention

D.A. Carson
The Gospel Coalition

Daniel Darling
Vice President for Communications
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

David S. Dockery
Trinity International University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Ronnie Floyd
Senior Pastor, President, Former President
Cross Church, National Day of Prayer, Southern Baptist Convention

Steve Gaines
Pastor, Former President
Bellevue Baptist Church, Southern Baptist Convention

Jack Graham
Senior Pastor, Former President
Prestonwood Baptist Church, Southern Baptist Convention

J.D. Greear
Senior Pastor, President
The Summit Church, Southern Baptist Convention

Johnny Hunt
Senior Pastor, Former President
First Baptist Church Woodstock, Southern Baptist Convention

Chuck Kelley
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Richard Land
Southern Evangelical Seminary

Bob Lepine
Redeemer Community Church

Gregg Matte
Houston’s First Baptist Church

James Merritt
Lead Pastor, Former President
Cross Pointe Church, Southern Baptist Convention

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Samuel “Dub” Oliver
Union University

Ray Ortlund
Immanuel Church

Daniel Patterson
Vice President for Operations and Chief of Staff
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Matthew Pinson
Welch College

Karen Swallow Prior 
Professor of English
Liberty University

Dennis Rainey 
Author, Speaker, President
Ever Thine Home

Samuel Rodriguez
National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference,
Hispanic Evangelical Association

Jimmy Scroggins
Family Church

John Stonestreet
Colson Center for Christian Worldview

Mark Tooley
Institute on Religion and Democracy

A.B. Vines
Pastor, First Vice President
New Seasons Church, Southern Baptist Convention

Andrew T. Walker
Director of Policy Studies
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Roland Warren
President & CEO
Care Net

Frank R. Wolf
Former United States Congressman
Distinguished Senior Fellow, 21st Century Wilberforce

George O. Wood
World Assemblies of God Fellowship

Travis Wussow
Vice President for Public Policy & General Counsel
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

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