About / Paul Gotthardt

Paul Gotthardt

Paul is the Lead Pastor of Life Baptist Church in Las Vegas, NV. He grew up in Savannah, Georgia where he met his wife, Brea, in the college and career class of their church. Paul and Brea have been married since 1996 and have two daughters, Shana and Kaylee). Paul graduated from the University of Georgia, in 1998 with a B.A. in world religion. While the degree gave him a working knowledge of many religions, Paul was able to focus most of his time on Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Since being in Vegas, God allowed Paul to finish his Ph.D in Christian Counseling, see Life grow into a vibrant church, join with Him in Kingdom activity around the world and learn the wonders of the Christ-life.

Resources By

Paul Gotthardt

Opportunities to glorify God during the pandemic

Paul Gotthardt, lead pastor of Life Baptist Church in Nevada, talks about how God...

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