About / Tony Merida

Tony Merida

Tony Merida is pastor for Preaching and Vision of Imago Dei Church, Raleigh, North Carolina; director of Theological Training for Acts 29; and a council member of The Gospel Coalition. He is the author of a number of books, including Love Your Church, Ruth For You, The Christ-Centered Expositor, and Ordinary. He and his wife, Kimberly, have five adopted children.

Resources By

Tony Merida

4 reasons we church hop, shop, or quit

Why is belonging to a church such a challenge? As Christians, we need to...

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The Church and the Orphan Crisis: Creating an Adoption Culture

America’s children are facing a crisis. Many are displaced from their homes, vulnerable, and...

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The Church and the Orphan Crisis: Creating an Adoption Culture

How can the church address the orphan crisis in America? Brent Leatherwood hosts a...

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problem of sex trafficking

How can we respond to the problem of sex trafficking?

How can we respond biblically and practically to the problem of sex trafficking? The...

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