Article  Life  Abortion

5 facts about Planned Parenthood

Today, Planned Parenthood celebrates their 100th anniversary. Here are five facts you should know about the nation's largest abortion provider.

1. Planned Parenthood Federation of America has 57 affiliates that operation approximately 650 “health centers.” They require that at least one clinic per affiliate must perform abortions. PP performs more than 323,000 abortions a year. In fiscal year 2014, the corporation received 553.7 million dollars from taxpayers.

2. The founder of Planned Parenthood was the notorious eugenicist Margaret Sanger. Sanger wanted to control the reproduction of immigrants, the poor, certain religious groups and anyone else she thought was from an “unacceptable” heritage. She referred to such people as reckless breeders who were “unceasingly spawning a class of human beings who never should have been born at all . . .” In 1939 Sanger started the “Negro Project” and attempted to get Christian ministers to aid her effort. As she wrote in a letter to a fellow eugenicist, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

3. Planned Parenthood has repeatedly and consistently turned a blind eye to reports of statutory rape. Some of their clinics have also demonstrated a willingness to partner with pimps and sex traffickers to exploit young women instead of safeguarding their health and safety.

4. Planned Parenthood strongly opposes sex education that focuses on abstinence and has gone so far as to file lawsuits against school districts that have decided to implement abstinence-only programs. The organization claims to offer “value-neutral” sex education. (As an example, on their website aimed at teenagers, they included an article that teaches kids that, “Some straight couples use anal sex as a way to preserve the woman's virginity.”)

5. Planned Parenthood has consistently supported partial-birth abortion. In this gruesome procedure, the abortionist pulls a living baby out of the womb feet-first and into the birth canal, except for the head, which the abortionist purposely keeps lodged just inside the cervix.The abortionist then punctures the base of the baby’s skull with a surgical instrument. In 2013, a Planned Parenthood of Florida lobbyist, testifying against Florida's Born Alive Infants Protection Act, told lawmakers that if a baby survives an abortion, it is debatable whether that baby should live or die. And while in the Illinois state senate, Barack Obama worked with Planned Parenthood to determine how he should vote on a partial-birth abortion legislation. (With Planned Parenthood's blessing, he voted “present” to protect his “100 percent” record on pro-abortion votes.)

Learn how to be a voice for the unborn at Evangelicals For Life next January. This conference will equip you to stand up for the least vulnerable in our society, including the unborn, refugees, and those approaching the end of life. 

Image Source: Paul Sableman/Flickr

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