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7 ways to pray for First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs

Editor’s note: This article was written by staff at The Southern Baptists of Texas Convention and edited by the ERLC.

All of our hearts are heavy for the people of the Sutherland Springs community in the aftermath of the tragedy at First Baptist Church on Nov. 5. This is an act of senseless evil, and we lean on the grace that is ours in Christ Jesus for healing, peace, and hope. In times like these, words fail.

The Southern Baptists of Texas Convention is currently assessing needs in order to provide the tangible things that are essential to this fractured community. One of the most important and immediate things we can all do as the body of Christ is pray without ceasing. As you gather with your church family this weekend, we urge you to pray for the Sutherland Springs family.

Here are some ways your church family can pray in the midst of this devastation:

  1. Pray for the children in the community. Friends and relatives were killed. Pray for the counseling process with the children and families and for protection over their minds and hearts.
  2. Pray for the local pastors as they shepherd not only their own people, but also others throughout the community.
  3. Pray for Pastor Frank Pomeroy and his family. Ask God for healing of damaged emotions and grace to move forward.
  4. Pray for the affected families as they lay to rest their loved ones and navigate this tragedy.
  5. Pray that the faith of these brothers and sisters would not fail in this horrible season of grief.
  6. Ask God to give our leaders greater insight and receptivity to guard against such future acts. Ask God to bring protection to our gatherings and that this evil would be restrained.
  7. Ask for many opportunities to share the good news of the gospel and the hope we have in Christ.

Our God is a Father who listens to his children and knows what we need before we do (Matt. 6:8). And when we don’t know what to pray, we lean on the ministry of the Holy Spirit who intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words (Rom. 8:26). As the saints lift up our prayers, may the Lord give immeasurable comfort and do an inconceivably redemptive work in the midst of this precious community.

A version of this article originally appeared here.

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