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Pregnancy resource centers served by the Psalm 139 Project in 2022

In 2022, the Psalm 139 Project placed or committed to place 27 ultrasound machines across nine different states that are serving a wide variety of demographics within their communities. 

Some centers are located in major metropolitan areas, while others are in small towns with limited prenatal care and pregnancy support. Rural areas requesting mobile units were a focus, as well clinics that were located near Planned Parenthood facilities.

These life-saving placements represent the successful completion of our goal to place 50 machines by January 2023.

The following list of centers have had ultrasound machines placed or are in the process of placement through financial gifts contributed to the Psalm 139 Project:

Smoky Mountain Pregnancy Care Center

  • Smoky Mountain PCC in North Carolina sees over 200 clients a year with over 90% of appointments utilizing the ultrasound machine. There are two locations and a medical mobile unit. This unit also travels to Asheville and Bryson City, North Carolina, numerous times per month.
  • “We had a 2014 Esaote Ultrasound Machine onboard and our nurse doing the scans said this new [ultrasound] machine opens up the window to the womb for this new mom to see her baby and the beating heart,” said the executive director.  “These parents thank us for showing them the flicker on the screen and seeing these babies moving around when they cannot feel it. Showing itself off by turning around, sucking their thumbs, and raising their sweet arms up in the air waving at them.”
  • This placement was made possible through the partnership with the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina.

Albemarle Pregnancy Resource Center

  • Albemarle Pregnancy Resource Center sees about 600 clients annually. 92% of clients with a positive pregnancy test receive ultrasound services.
  • The center is located in North Carolina, but also has a medical mobile unit that serves six surrounding counties. They received a portable machine for the Mobile Medical Unit.
  • This placement was funded by the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina and was the second machine NC Baptists contributed to this year.

Coweta Pregnancy Services

  • Coweta Pregnancy Services in Georgia sees 1,500 clients a year. 95% of clients with a positive pregnancy test receive ultrasound services.
  • The executive director shared, “This new ultrasound machine will allow us to show families facing an unplanned pregnancy that their tiny baby that God has created and is knitting together in the mother’s womb, has a beating heart and is indeed a human being. More than 80% of women considering abortion choose LIFE for their baby after their ultrasound exam.”

Care Net Pregnancy Center of Houston

  • Care Net Pregnancy Center of Houston sees over 2,000 clients annually at their two locations and is expecting to open a third center. The Cypress location is where the new machine was placed and is expected to serve over 300 clients for ultrasound services per year.
  • This placement was made possible through the partnership with Southern Baptist of Texas Convention.

First Choice Reproductive Health

  • This center in Texas sees over 1,800 clients annually. They operate three facilities: First Choice Reproductive Health, a free medical clinic; Mobile Medical Clinic that takes medical services to the six surrounding counties; and The Parenting Resource Center.
  • This placement was made possible through the partnership with Southern Baptist of Texas Convention.

TruCare Women’s Clinic

  • TruCare Women’s Clinic in Texas sees over 2,000 clients a year with over 50% of appointments utilizing the ultrasound machine. The clinic is located just 600 feet from a location of Planned Parenthood.
  • This placement was made possible through the partnership with Southern Baptist of Texas Convention.

FirstLook Sexual Health and Pregnancy Center

  • FirstLook Sexual Health and Pregnancy Center in Texas sees 800 clients a year with 85% of appointments utilizing the ultrasound machine. They moved into a new facility in June 2021 to expand services with two ultrasound rooms. The new machine replaced an old one that was 12 years old.
  • This placement was made possible through the partnership with Southern Baptist of Texas Convention.

Community Pregnancy Center

  • Community Pregnancy Center in Texas sees over 1,200 clients a year with about 35% of appointments utilizing the ultrasound machine due to limited availability of sonographers.
  • The mobile ultrasound was placed on their new Save the Storks mobile unit that was received in the fall of 2022.
  • This placement was made possible through the partnership with Southern Baptist of Texas Convention.

Women’s Resource Center

  • Women’s Resource Center in Alabama sees 4,000 clients annually with over 70% of appointments utilizing the ultrasound services. There are three locations serving the region. 


  • Sav-A-Life in Alabama sees over 8,000 clients annually. 90% of clients with a positive pregnancy test receive ultrasound services. There are three clinics associated with Sav-A-Life in the area. 
  • The executive director stated, “We know the need is great to serve women and families in an unplanned pregnancy situation and ultrasound is a critical tool as it reveals life in the womb. We are so grateful to the Psalm 139 Project and the Alabama State Board of Missions for making this a reality for us.”
  • A dedication ceremony took place with representation from the center, the local association, the state convention, and two national SBC entities which was a beautiful picture of SBC cooperation at all levels.
  • Birmingham Metro Baptist Association and the North American Mission Board through SEND relief donated to this building project. They were offered property in an underserved part of town and share property with the Birmingham Metro Baptist Association.

Confidential Care Mobile Ministry, Inc

  • Confidential Care in Tennessee sees about 500 clients annually with over 95% of appointments utilizing the ultrasound machine.
  • There are three mobile units that provide counseling, pregnancy tests, and ultrasounds for clients. The mobile ministry serves eight locations within the county. This specific machine placement is for the ministry’s third mobile unit.
  • “With the overturn of Roe, we anticipate thousands of women this year in the Mid-South will be seeking a way to obtain an out-of-state abortion,” said the executive director. “The addition of our continuum-of-care vehicle, equipped with this new ultrasound machine, will enable us to go to these women and show them that a new human being is alive within their womb. Once they see the living child on the monitor, many will choose life. This gift of an ultrasound in the hands of our medical ministry team will mean life for hundreds of preborn human babies and will open the door for a clear introduction to the giver of that life.”
  • This placement was made possible through the partnership with Tennessee Baptist Mission Board (TBMB) and another donor. 

Compassion Women’s Center

  • Compassion Women’s Center in Oklahoma has seen an increase from 70 clients to 300 clients this year as they anticipate growth in going medical. This placement of an ultrasound machine will provide the opportunity to serve more clients since they moved to the county seat in recent years.

Triad Coalition for Life

  • This is a mobile-only care center in North Carolina that Save the Storks has partnered with and ERLC provided the ultrasound machine. Triad Coalition for Life is a sidewalk ministry that operates near an abortion facility.

Care Net Women’s Resource Center

  • Care Net Women’s Resource Center in California sees over 500 clients annually with roughly 25% of appointments utilizing the ultrasound machine. The county statistics report that 1 in 4 women aged 45 and under will have had an abortion. 
  • This placement was made possible through the partnership with North American Mission Board (NAMB) through Send Relief funding.

Warrenton Pregnancy Center

  • Warrenton Pregnancy Center in Virginia sees about 160 clients a year with over 60% of appointments utilizing the ultrasound machine.
  • Placement was a partnership with Southern Baptist Convention of Virginia donating toward the purchase of an ultrasound machine. 

Alight Care Center

  • Alight Care Center is a ministry name of Arise & Build Community Ministries, a New York domestic, charitable not-for-profit ministry engaged in a number of community outreaches. The pregnancy resource center has been in operation for over 22 years and began a mobile ultrasound ministry in 2017. The Mobile Medical Unit (MMU) was purchased in 2016 through an affiliation with Save The Storks. Recently, Alight has joined with CompassCare Pregnancy Services to reach more abortion-vulnerable women. 
  • Alight Care Center under CompassCare sees over 1,000 clients annually with 100% of appointments utilizing the ultrasound machine on the medical mobile unit.
  • This placement was made possible through the generous donation of a church in Nashville, Tennessee.

The purchase of the following machines was made possible through a grant from the state of Tennessee:

Full Circle Medical Center for Women

  • This is the second time this center in Tennessee has received a machine. This machine will be placed in a new medical room that will increase the number of women who will be able to receive ultrasound services.

Pregnancy Resource Center

  • This is the second time this center in Tennessee has received machines to expand services. The center opened a satellite center in a neighboring city where one machine was placed. The other two units were placed in the primary location. 

Birth Choice

  • This is the second time this center in Tennessee has received a machine and it will replace an older machine in the ultrasound room. The center has requested a portable model so that they can repurpose it on their mobile units if needed as a backup.

Hope Resource Center

  • This is the second time this center in Tennessee has received a machine and the first time through a grant from the state of Tennessee. This placement will increase the number of appointments the center will be able to offer to meet the needs in the area.

Life Choices Dyersburg

  • The ultrasound for this center in Tennessee was ordered in October 2022.

Tomorrow’s Hope Pregnancy Medical Clinic

  • The ultrasound machine for this center in Tennessee was ordered in October 2022.

Beating Hearts Help Center

  • The ultrasound machine for this center in Tennessee was ordered in November 2022.

LifeBeat Pregnancy Care Center

  • The ultrasound machine for this center in Tennessee was ordered in November 2022.

An additional placement in Tennessee is in process. 

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