Article  Life  Marriage and Family  Abortion

Support adoption to war against abortion

By this time you’ve heard of or seen the undercover videos taken of Planned Parenthood about their harvesting and selling of baby body parts. (If you haven’t seen them, click here.) They are incredibly difficult to watch but are helping raise awareness about the horrors of abortion. You may think, “Yes, this is awful, but what can I do?” While there are many things you can do to help, I want to highlight just one for your consideration.


My husband and I felt the call to take this step a few years ago. One of the primary reasons adoption is so near to my heart is because abortion breaks my heart. After all, abortion stops a beating heart. An unborn baby’s heart starts beating around 18 days after conception, typically before a mama even knows there is life inside her womb. And, yet, it is completely legal to stop these hearts. I won’t go into the gruesome details about abortion here, but the bottom line is that abortion doesn’t have to happen at all.

There are many ministries and other non-profit organizations whose sole purpose is to help women in crisis pregnancies. They provide many free services, including pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, diapers & clothes and more. They also educate women on the options of parenting and adoption.

It’s true that the wait for newborns can be quite lengthy; however, I am convinced that if we spread awareness that there are couples willing and able to take these children into their homes, more women would choose life for their unborn babies. As the need for homes grows, there won’t be enough of them for these babies if we don’t step up. Not only that, but there are many children of all ages who are in need of good homes — at least for a season. Working through your state’s foster care system can be difficult, but it is free of charge.

As Christians, we know that the Bible tells us clearly in James 1:27 that pure religion includes helping orphans. Since we are all called to support adoption, here are three ways you can help:

1. Pray. Pray for women in unplanned pregnancies to choose life for their unborn babies. Pray for couples willing to adopt. Pray for the process to be as smooth as possible and for the funds to come together. Pray for the adoption agencies as they reach out to women in unplanned pregnancies and work with couples who are wanting to adopt. Pray about what you can do to help.

2. Donate. Finances can be stretched thin, and it seems there is always someone asking for something, but this is where you put your money where your mouth is. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). If you truly care about life, you will support this movement financially. You can donate to the pro-life agencies, adoption agencies and the couples who are planning to adopt. Every little bit helps.

3. Adopt. Not everyone is called to adopt, but I believe some people don’t adopt out of fear or insecurity. Don’t worry about the money. Don’t worry about how the child will fit into your family. Don’t worry about what others will think. Don’t get me wrong, you need to pray and plan and make sure your child will be in a secure and safe environment, but you don’t have to worry. If God has called you to adopt, He will work it all out. Even if it’s difficult, it will be worth it.

The Bible leaves no room for doubt that adoption is dear to God’s heart. After all, He adopted us in Christ (Ephesians 1). Adoption is a beautiful alternative to abortion and a marvelous picture of the gospel. Will you consider how you can support adoption?

ERLC and Focus on the Family are hosting the first ever Evangelicals for Life event next year in Washington DC on January 21-22nd, featuring Russell Moore, Roland Warren, David Platt, Eric Metaxas, Kelly Rosati, Ron Sider and others.

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