Article  Life  Sanctity of Life

You can speak for the unborn and stand for those in need

Nikki and Jamal were not married but had a child already. Without a steady job or solid support structure, the news that they were pregnant again was not exactly welcomed. They resolved to pursue an abortion. When they arrived at the abortion clinic a few days later, they were not expecting to meet Christians from a local church there to offer help and hope. Nevertheless, their minds were set; more so Nikki than Jamal.

As Nikki raced toward the abortion clinic doors, she noticed Jamal walking more slowly, listening to a pastor sharing God’s beautiful design for family and children. All Jamal could do was nod his head while fixing his gaze on the next step before his feet. It was written on Jamal’s face. He knew exactly what was happening. Several paces ahead, Nikki found herself walking alongside a young woman from the church named Molly. Nikki would have none of it. She was having an abortion, and no teenage girl was going to change her mind. In her own words, Nikki was “real mean to Molly.” But Molly was equally resolved to plead for the life of Nikki’s child and for her to choose hope. Molly reasoned with Nikki until she walked into the abortion clinic. Jamal soon followed.

Neither Nikki nor Jamal could shake the feeling that they were doing something wrong. But they made their decision. The abortion clinic staff took Nikki back to begin prepping her for the abortion while Jamal waited outside. Nikki fought to fix her thoughts on anything but what she was doing. She declined to view the sonogram. The screen was angled away during the sonogram, but Nikki overheard the nurse say under her breath, “Oh my, that’s a big baby.”

The nurse had no intention of showing Nikki the ultrasound, but Nikki had to see for herself. She wheeled the screen around to come face to face with the truth. She saw exactly what she knew was there: arms, legs, a head, a body; in short, a baby. Nikki took a minute to text Jamal, but she already had a message waiting when she opened her phone. He told her not to do it and that he was willing to do whatever he needed to do to take care of their baby. Relief doesn’t begin to describe what Nikki felt.

Leaving the abortion clinic, however, did not solve their problems. Yet while their problems went with them, so did their child, and so did the church. The Christians who met Nikki and Jamal walking into the clinic continued to walk with them through the pregnancy. The church hosted a beautiful baby shower and helped the couple with many practical needs. They were there when Nikki and Jamal welcomed their son into the world. The presence of this church outside the abortion clinic was a means of grace to Nikki and Jamal. The kind words of hope and help were instrumental in the difference between death and life.

This church is one of many examples of lives changed through the ministry of Speak for the Unborn. S4U equips local churches nationwide to meet moms just like Nikki and dads just like Jamal, offering hope and help. Nikki and Jamal felt lost walking into the abortion clinic. But what they found was a community. The people of God were there, ready and equipped to serve. S4U also helps bridge the gap between abortion-minded women and men and belonging and hope in the local church. Nikki’s son is two years old now. Imagine what would happen if churches across the country resolved to meet and serve moms just like Nikki. It could mean the world to their children.

As we gather in January for with the ERLC for Evangelicals for Life, we gather to celebrate lives changed through the ministry of God’s people, even while we remember and pray for the tragic reality of our culture. Join S4U and many other organizations as we champion life from beginning to end. Every life is valuable. Everyone should have a voice. Join us to see how God would move you and your church to stand for those in need.

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