About / J.D. Greear

J.D. Greear

J.D. Greear is the pastor of The Summit Church, in Raleigh-Durham, N.C. He completed his Ph.D. in theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he is also a faculty member, writing on the correlations between early church presentations of the gospel and Islamic theology. Having lived and served among Muslims, he has a burden to see them, as well as every nation on earth, come to know and love the salvation of God in Christ. J.D and his wife Veronica live in Raleigh and are raising four ridiculously cute kids.

Resources By

J.D. Greear

What are your hopes for the future of the SBC?

J.D. Greear shares what his hopes are for the future of the Southern Baptist Convention. 

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The gospel and the future of Christian ministry

As culture changes, ministry leaders inherit both new opportunities and new challenges. At the...

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How institutions keep us faithful

A lot can be lost in a single generation. Ronald Reagan famously admonished Americans...

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How to get help if you are a victim of sexual abuse

The Houston Chronicle has published a three-part series about sexual abuse in Southern Baptist...

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Undivided Live! A Candid Conversation About Racial Unity

SBC President J.D. Greear and Dhati Lewis sit down for a candid conversation about...

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Ready to launch: How mission shapes children

J.D. Greear explains why parents should have a missional mindset in raising their children. He...

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The Gospel and the Future of Christian Ministry

JD Greear discusses the future of Christian ministry at the Southern Baptist Convention Pre-Conference...

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The Gospel and the Future of the Southern Baptist Convention

Matt Hall moderates a discussion between J.D. Greear, Steve Gaines, Tommy Green, and Juan...

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Ready to Launch: How Mission Shapes Children

JD Greear explains why parents should have a missional mindset in raising their children....

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How can churches engage the public square without compromising the gospel?

Many Christians retreat from the cultures around them because they’re afraid of compromising. But...

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E6: Preaching like Jesus to the LGBT community and its supporters

J.D. Greear preached this message at the ERLC's inaugural National Conference in 2014, title "The...

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How Can Churches Engage the Public Square without Compromising the Gospel?

J.D. Greear on “Politics and the Pulpit: How Churches can Engage the Public Square...

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