Article  Life  Sanctity of Life

Praying for life

A prayer guide for the pro-life movement

Christians are called to stand for life and seek justice for the most vulnerable among us—and one of the ways we can do that is by praying for life. In prayer, we can unite for the sanctity of life, focusing on the preborn, their families, and the many individuals involved in tirelessly promoting a culture of life in our world today. Let us pray with hope, faith, and love, trusting in God’s sovereignty and reflecting his heart for our neighbors.

How to pray for life

While this guide is not an exhaustive list of all the needs and challenges surrounding the pro-life movement, it serves as a strong foundation to begin lifting our voices together in prayer during a critical time. Here are a few prompts to help you in your own prayer time, as you gather with your family, or as you lead your church.

Preborn children

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well” (Ps. 139:14 ESV).

  • Pray for the precious lives of preborn children. Pray that every preborn child, regardless of their circumstances, would be recognized as made in God’s image, deserving of life and protection. 
  • Ask the Lord to move hearts to defend and cherish these little ones, not viewing them as a burden, but delighting to give them the opportunity to live, thrive, and glorify God. 

Mothers facing unplanned pregnancies

  • Pray for the women who are facing unplanned or difficult pregnancies. Ask the Lord to surround them with love, support, and the resources they need to choose life. 
  • Pray for courage, wisdom, and the strength to trust God in uncertain times. 
  • Pray the Church would be a beacon of hope, offering practical help and the light of Christ’s love to these women.


  • Pray for the fathers who may feel overwhelmed or unsure about their role in supporting the life of their child. Ask that they would step up with love, responsibility, and a deep understanding of the sacredness of life. 
  • Pray that they would seek the Lord’s guidance in leading and providing for their families, embracing the call to protect and nurture both mother and child.

Families and communities

“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” (Jer. 29:7, ESV).

  • Pray for the families and communities surrounding these preborn children and their parents. Pray they would become havens of grace, support, and truth. 
  • Pray that God would raise up supporters and advocates who will walk alongside those in need.

Lawmakers and leaders

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Tim. 2:1–2, ESV).

  • Pray for those in positions of power and influence at the local, state, and national level. Ask that God would grant them wisdom and courage to enact and uphold laws that protect life from fertilization to natural death. 
  • Pray that their decisions would reflect a deep respect for the dignity of every human life and that they would be held accountable to the highest moral standards.
  • Pray for the states facing abortion ballot initiatives, that their citizens would vote in favor of life. States include Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, and South Dakota.

Pregnancy resource centers

  • Pray for those serving vulnerable women and their children. Ask the Lord to give them wisdom, compassion, and steadfastness. 
  • Pray that God would raise up more workers, volunteers, and funds to meet the increasing needs of PRCs. 
  • Pray vulnerable mothers would find a Christ-honoring PRC before they find an abortion clinic and that their hearts would be softened to choose life based on what they learn. 

The abortion industry

  • Pray for those working in the abortion industry, that their hearts would be softened, they would come to see the inherent value of the lives they are ending, and they would repent. 
  • Ask the Lord to raise up voices within the industry to expose the truth, raise awareness, and promote life-affirming alternatives.
  • Pray for abortion to become both illegal and unthinkable in our nation and for the industry that supports it to end. 

Post-abortive healing

  • Pray for those who have believed the lies perpetuated by abortion providers and experienced the pain of abortion. Ask for the Lord’s healing grace to meet them in their brokenness, bringing peace and forgiveness through the love of Christ. 
  • Pray that the Church would be a place of compassion and restoration, offering support and hope to all who have been affected by the evil of abortion.

Adoption and foster care

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world” (James 1:27, ESV).

  • Pray for families who are open to adopting and serving with foster care, that they would be strengthened and encouraged in their calling to provide loving homes for children in need.
  • Ask the Lord to move more hearts from abortion and toward the beautiful option of adoption, ensuring every child is given the chance to grow up in a nurturing and loving family.
  • Pray for individuals who have children in the foster care system. Pray for the reunification and restoration of families. 

The Church 

“… so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places” (Eph. 3:10 ESV).

  • Pray for the Body of Christ, that we would stand boldly and unwaveringly for life. 
  • Ask that our actions would reflect our words as we support life-affirming ministries, pregnancy centers, and foster care efforts. 
  • Ask that churches continue to rise up as places of refuge, offering resources, counseling, and emotional support. 
  • Pray that our churches would be places where every person—born and preborn—is valued and celebrated as a child of God.

We believe that through prayer, hearts can be changed, lives can be saved, and a culture of life can be restored. Together, let us petition the Lord for his wisdom, mercy, and intervention as we seek an end to abortion and the protection of preborn life in our nation and around the globe. 

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