About / Heather Rice-Minus

Heather Rice-Minus

Heather Rice-Minus is the vice president of government affairs and church mobilization for Prison Fellowship, the nation’s largest Christian nonprofit serving prisoners, former prisoners, and their families.

Resources By

Heather Rice-Minus

A new documentary sheds light on reentry after prison

A New Day 1 covers the hopes and hardships of formerly incarcerated individuals

Many people are released from prison with little more than a bus ticket and...

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Why collateral consequences hurt many with criminal records

Imagine receiving a job offer. Your resume demonstrates the right qualifications. You feel good...

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A way for churches to honor the dignity of formerly incarcerated people

Jon Kelly was a troubled teen growing up with a single mother in a...

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How to get started with prison ministry and criminal justice reform

These days it seems like we are all searching for ways to pursue justice...

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A call to pray for those in prison during the pandemic

It’s been dozens of days since Kerry Gant has seen her husband’s face. He’s...

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One way to fix America’s broken drug laws

For Terri, a mother of five from Wisconsin, life as she knew it began...

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second chances

What the Bible says about second chances

Caring for those who have served prison time

It was eight years before Chicago gym owner Luis Centeno told his clients and...

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What Christians think—and what the Bible says—about criminal justice reform

Today, nearly 2.2 million Americans are in prison or jail, and approximately 70 million...

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Remember those in prison

As injustices and inequalities have been exposed, there have been increasing calls to correct...

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How can Christians balance law and order with compassion and rehabilitation?

Heather Rice-Minus shares how Christians can balance law and order with compassion and rehabilitation. 

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Why reform is still needed for former prisoners

Removing legal barriers for second chances

Nationwide, April is recognized as Second Chance™Month. Communities observed Second Chance Month 2019 with...

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Remember Those in Prison: The Church and Criminal Justice Reform

How can the church minister to those in prison? Steven Harris moderates a panel...

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