College Internship Program

Intern with the ERLC

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Do you long to make a difference for Jesus Christ in your community, your state, and our nation? Do you want to bring a voice of hope to a tumultuous political environment? Ultimately, do you desire to build God’s Kingdom and serve his Church? You could be in the next ERLC internship class.

The ERLC is dedicated to engaging the culture with the gospel and speaking to issues in the public square for the promotion of life, protection of religious liberty, championing of marriages and families, and honoring of human dignity.

With a team mentality and a spirit of cooperation, we bring a distinctly Baptist voice to the public square, with convictions rooted in the unchanging truth of God’s Word. We invite you to consider joining us as an intern as we strive to be salt and light to an ever-darkening culture.

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Equipping future leaders to represent the Church

The ERLC internship program is dedicated to cultivating the next generation of ministry leaders as they discern their callings to serve the Church in the public square. We seek to provide students and young professionals with opportunities to assist Southern Baptist churches with complex cultural issues and represent those churches in policy matters for the sake of the gospel proclamation and the good of our neighbors. This equipping process includes the work that interns participate in and the investment our staff seeks to make in their personal, professional, and spiritual lives.


Learn Christian ethics

Grow theologically

By the end of the internship, students should be able to articulate a Christian framework for engaging the pressing cultural issues of the day. Students will participate in ethics and theology seminars, along with guided reading, led by staff experts. Topics include Baptist political theology, religious liberty, sexuality and marriage, gender, race & justice issues, human dignity, and technology.


Study the Bible

Grow spiritually

Because the ERLC wants students to grow spiritually as well as professionally, interns gather each week for Bible study. Each summer, interns walk through a book of the Bible as a cohort, paying attention to a particular theme. Previous topics have included the Kingdom of God in Matthew and Christian faith in a non-Christian culture in Daniel.


Enhance career skills

Grow professionally

Interns participate in meetings with members of the ERLC staff as well as organizational partners centered on taking your faith into the public square. Examples include sessions with U.S. Sen. James Lankford on the role of faith in government, Jenny Yang of UNHCR on advocacy for immigrants and refugees, and Dan Darling on developing as an author and writer.

policy priorities for 2025

Make a difference

Grow in your public witness

We desire our internship to shape and send students out as missionaries to the public square, bringing hope to the places where the Lord has placed them.

When to apply

Application Deadlines

Summer internships: Applications are due by December 20.
Spring/Fall internships: Applications are due 60 days prior to desired start date.

Apply to intern at our offices in Nashville, TN or Washington, D.C.



How to apply

Internships take place in our Nashville or Washington, D.C., offices. Complete your application online and select your desired location, dates, and areas of interest. Please contact [email protected] or call (615) 244-2495 for any questions.


Invest in the flourishing of the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention.


Be a voice for the vulnerable in your community and the larger society.


Stand for the vital issues related to life, religious liberty, marriage and family, and human dignity.


Make a lasting impact for the sake of God's Kingdom and the spread of the gospel.