ERLC Staff

Matthew Blankenship

Research Assistant

Matthew Blankenship serves as a research assistant at the ERLC, assisting in the drafting and review of Research Team assets and resources. He previously worked as…

Elizabeth Bristow

Press Secretary

Elizabeth Bristow serves as the press secretary for the ERLC. Elizabeth oversees public relations and media operations for the organization. She received a B.A. in Public…

Daniel Darling

Daniel Darling

Church Engagement Strategist and Research Fellow

Dan Darling is the church engagement strategist and a research fellow for the ERLC. He also serves as director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement…

RaShan Frost

RaShan Frost

Director of Research and Senior Fellow

RaShan Frost serves as the ERLC director of research and senior fellow focused on issues of human dignity. He is the teaching pastor of Centerpoint Church…

Amanda Hays

Amanda Hays

Digital Marketing Manager

Amanda Hays serves as the digital strategist for the ERLC. Her responsibilities include digital marketing strategy & analytics. Amanda is a graduate of the University of…

Sarah Igleheart

Policy Associate

Sarah Igleheart serves as a policy associate in our Washington, D.C., office, advocating for the public policy interests of the Southern Baptist Convention. Prior to coming to…

Stacey Keck


Stacey Keck has served in the business and finance office since 2008. She assists the chief financial officer with accounting and human resource functions. Stacey is…

Brent Leatherwood


Brent Leatherwood was elected as president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission in 2022, after a year of leading the organization as acting president. Previously,…

Tim Mackall

Policy Associate

Tim Mackall serves as a policy associate in the ERLC’s Washington, D.C., office. He is responsible for advocating for Southern Baptist beliefs before the U.S. government and…

Kevin Miller

Videography and Video Editor

Kevin Miller serves as videographer and video editor for the ERLC. He has a BS in Electronic Media Communication Production from Middle Tennessee State University. In…

Miles Mullin

Vice President and Chief of Staff

Miles S. Mullin II, Ph.D., serves as vice president and chief of staff for the ERLC, having previously served at the Missouri Baptist Convention, Hannibal-LaGrange University,…

Lindsay Nicolet

Lindsay Nicolet

Director of Communications

Lindsay Nicolet serves as the director of communications for the ERLC. She oversees the communications strategy, together with a talented team, from the Nashville office. Lindsay…

Bobby Reed

Chief Financial Officer

Bobby Reed serves as chief financial officer. His primary responsibilities are financial oversight, human resources, and administrative business functions. Bobby, a graduate of Louisiana State University,…

Alyssa Riekeman

Psalm 139 Project Placement Coordinator

Alyssa Riekeman serves with the Psalm 139 Project for the ERLC as the Project Placement Coordinator. She coordinates the work of placing ultrasound machines and providing…

Lizzy Taylor

Project Manager and Administrative Assistant

Lizzy Taylor serves as the project manager and administrative assistant, helping to manage the ERLC’s online presence and assisting with projects and initiatives. Lizzy previously served…

Rachel Wiles

Deputy Chief of Staff

Rachel Wiles serves as deputy chief of staff and director of the Psalm 139 Project for the ERLC. In her role, she coordinates the activity in…

Palmer Williams

Palmer Williams

General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor

Palmer specializes in legal and policy analysis related to international human rights, sanctity of life, and government affairs. As a licensed attorney specializing in international law,…