Article  Human Dignity  Life  Marriage and Family  Religious Liberty  Southern Baptist Convention

The ERLC and our SBC seminary partners

history of the ERLC

The Southern Baptist Convention is a large and dynamic family of churches. Together the roughly 46,000 churches that make up the SBC also fund and operate a number of entities that serve our denomination and advance the gospel in the world. This includes two missions agencies, six seminaries, Lifeway and the ERLC, among several others. As the moral and public policy arm of the convention, the ERLC exists to equip Christians to apply the moral demands of the gospel to every area of life and to be the voice of our churches in the public square. In pursuing this task, our partnerships with other SBC entities are critical, and this is particularly true of our seminaries.


The ERLC is able to partner with our seminaries in many different ways. Some of these partnerships are formalized, such as the ERLC Academy and our Research Institute, while others are less formal. Through our Research Institute, the ERLC is able to bring together professors from each of the six seminaries, along with a number of other Southern Baptist experts and practitioners from a range of disciplines, to produce scholarship and resources to equip the church to address difficult topics and issues of concern. Likewise, through the ERLC academy we are able to offer course credit to students attending our SBC seminaries (and several colleges) for participating in our Christian ethics training led by Dr. Moore.

The ERLC could not do the work we do without the assistance of our seminary partners. The SBC is fortunate to have six of the very best Christian institutions in higher education serving our family of churches. The training and equipping that takes place through these institutions is second to none, and the ERLC benefits immeasurably from their assistance with our work and co-labor in the gospel.

ERLC Academy

Whether you are a college or seminary student, pastor or professional, you can join us in Nashville on May 17-18 for the ERLC Academy. Dr. Moore will be teaching an “Introduction to Christian Ethics” course across those two days. And through the course, you will be equipped to answer important questions including:

  • How does the gospel shape an evangelical approach to ethics?
  • How can I understand the world around me and its approach to cultural engagement?
  • How do I navigate complicated ethical decisions that come up in my daily life?
  • How should I understand essential ethical issues like bioethics, marriage, sanctity of life, religious liberty, sexuality, decision making?

You can get more information or register to attend the ERLC Academy here.

history of the ERLC

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