The ERLC is primarily funded by the generous giving of Southern Baptists through the Cooperative Program, and has been for over 75 years. Over the past four fiscal years, an average 96.1% of the ERLC’s operating budget has come exclusively through the Cooperative Program. The ERLC’s average annual operating budget revenue during that period was approximately $3.3 million.
In addition to the ERLC’s operating budget, during those same fiscal years, the organization received designated contributions for its pro-life work, specifically its Psalm 139 Project, which places lifesaving ultrasound machines in pregnancy resource centers across the country, and a grant from pro-life donors that helped with another pro-life initiative. Over the years, the vast majority of the ERLC’s designated funding has been for those two projects.
These numbers below represent the total ERLC revenue from all sources and correspond to the external audit for each full fiscal year.

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