Religious Liberty  Support Nigeria CPC Designation  ERLC Actions  Policy Letter  International Religious Freedom  Persecution

A letter to support H.Res. 82 designating Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern

Sent to U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson on July 18, 2024

designating Nigeria as a country of particular concern

The ERLC supports designating Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) by the U. S. State Department. Nigeria is continuously rocked by terrorism at the hands of non-state actors and the targeted persecution of religious groups.

On July 18, 2024, we joined a coalition of organizations to send another letter stating that we stand in support of House Resolution 82 (H.Res.82). We respectfully requested U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson to schedule a vote for H. Res. 82, which passed out of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on February 6, 2024. This resolution expresses the sense of the
House that the U.S. State Department should designate Nigeria as a CPC, as required by the International Religious Freedom Act (IRF).

In 2023, an average of 13 Christians were killed every day, making Nigeria one of the deadliest countries to practice a faith.1 Pursuant to the International Religious Freedom Act, we believe that Nigeria meets the statutory definition of “engaging in or tolerating particularly severe violations of religious freedom” to be designated as a CPC.2

designating Nigeria as a country of particular concern

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