Life  Oppose Abortion Tourism  ERLC Actions  Policy Letter  Abortion

A Letter to Oppose “Abortion Tourism”

Sent two letters to the United States House and Senate Appropriations Committees on September 14 and September 19, 2023

abortion tourism

As many states across the country moved to ban or severely restrict abortion following the Dobbs decision, we saw moves from both the Biden administration and corporate America to promote and provide resources for pregnant women seeking abortion to travel to states where it remains legal.

The ERLC has strongly advocated against the use of any use of taxpayer funds toward these efforts and is looking for new ways to prohibit the use of federal funding to subsidize the abortion industry. 

The ERLC sent letters to the Congressional Armed Services Committees on September 14, 2023 and the Congressional Appropriations Committees on September 19, 2023 to advocate against taxpayer funding for abortion and abortion tourism in NDAA and Appropriations text.

abortion tourism

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