Life  Oppose Physician-Assisted Suicide and all Euthanasia Efforts  ERLC Actions  Policy Letter  End Of Life Issues  Ethics  Sanctity of Life

A Letter to Oppose Physician-Assisted Suicide and all Euthanasia Efforts

Letter sent to Nevada Governor Lombardo on May 26, 2023


Physician-assisted suicide is currently legal in 10 states and the District of Columbia. This practice is in clear conflict with ethical principles from both the Hippocratic tradition and a biblical worldview.

Physician-assisted suicide is not healthcare. Pain (physical, medical) and suffering (emotional, psychological, spiritual) are each treatable given proper diagnosis and care (Matt. 25:35; Luke 4:18-21; James 1:27; 2:8). Treatable pain and suffering ought not be cause for death. Hospice and palliative care options provide compassionate and ethical treatment that recognize human dignity.

Our goal now on Capitol Hill is largely one of education, even among those who we otherwise would expect to already share our convictions about assisted suicide.

A letter was sent to Nevada Governor Lombardo on May 26, 2023.


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