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Pro-life Priorities

Letters in Support of Including Pro-life Priorities During an Election Year

Letters sent to the RNC and the DNC on July 3, 2024

Historically, at least one party typically includes pro-life priorities in its platform. This commitment...

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A 2021 Letter in Support of Ending Predatory Loans

Letter sent to the U.S. Senate in May 2021

Scripture condemns usury and teaches us to respect the God-given dignity of each person...

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ERLC advocates for life

ERLC advocates for life in the U.S. Senate

POLICY STATEMENT: Nashville, Tenn. – Senator James Lankford, from Oklahoma, offered a tremendous example...

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ERLC joins to protect health care workers from discrimination if they do not perform abortions

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) introduced the Conscience Protection Act to protect health care providers and insurance...

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ERLC Comments in Support of The Adoptee Citizenship Act

ERLC comments appear in the press release below by Representative Adam Smith (D-Wash.) highlighting...

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A Letter to Support Designating Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern

ERLC joined a coalition of nonprofits and charitable organizations to send a letter of support to to the U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson and Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries.

On June 4, 2024, we joined a coalition of organizations to send a letter...

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