Marriage and Family  Policy Brief  Adoption

The ERLC Supports Ensuring Intercountry Adoption Remains a Viable Option

intercountry adoption

Southern Baptists affirm adoption as a central theological theme with practical application in our families and communities. We adopt because we ourselves were adopted into the family of God. The Baptist Faith and Message states that children “are a blessing and heritage from the Lord,” whether by birth or by adoption. In addition, the Resolution On Adoption And Orphan Care states that in the gospel, we have received the “Spirit of adoption,” meaning “we are no longer spiritual orphans but are now beloved children of God and joint heirs with Christ.” (John 14:18; Rom. 8:12-25; Gal. 3:27-4:9; Eph. 1:5).

Intercountry adoption strengthens families, communities, and our nation, and it remains a necessity for children around the world. According to the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), as of Fiscal Year 2021, an estimated 13 million children were orphaned by losing both parents. In fiscal year 2023, only 1,275 children were adopted internationally into U.S. families, marking a record low.

In 2024, China entirely suspended international adoptions, which deeply impacted the approximately 300 American families matched with a child in China. This decision by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a devastating setback for these families and the vulnerable children who were left with fewer options for a loving home. The ERLC sent a letter to the State Department urging them to negotiate the best possible resolution for these nearly 300 families who want to bring their children home. In addition to these children who have already been matched with adoptive families, we are also concerned about the fate of the estimated 100,000 children currently in Chinese orphanages. Many of these children have mental or physical challenges that require high levels of care and are unlikely to be adopted domestically in China. It is essential that the State Department advocate for the well-being of these children.

The ERLC strongly supports intercountry adoption and corresponding legislative efforts to strengthen and simplify the complex intercountry adoption process. 

intercountry adoption

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