Aubrey Sequeira

Aubrey Sequeira was born and raised in Chennai, an urban center in Southern India, where he was saved through the faithful witness of a missionary in his city. He was then involved in church planting in India while working in India’s booming IT industry. Aubrey recently completed his Ph.D. with a double major in Biblical Theology and Old Testament at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky,, where he also did his M.Div (2013). While in Louisville, Aubrey also served as an elder at Immanuel Baptist Church.
Aubrey has been married to Nishika since 2008, and they have three daughters, Eliana, Petra, and Karissa. Their family is preparing to move in 2017 to a city in the Middle East, where Aubrey plans to serve in pastoral ministry and training pastors for the 10/40 window. Currently, he is completing a pastoral internship at the NETS Center for Church Planting and Revitalization in Vermont.